We became aware of the coronavirus late February when we started hearing on the grapevine that it was going to put a dent into our Gourmet Greek Souvlaki plans.

Businesses slowly started shutting down, people started working from home and the government slowly started implementing the social distancing measures.

As the months have gone buy, I remain shocked by the devastation that this little virus has caused all over the world, paralysing literally everything we hold dear and most importantly all the deaths. In the UK where we live and work we have lost 35,000 people a number that unfortunately is still continuing to grow.

Please practice your social distancing, wear your masks, gloves and use your anti-bac hand washes and sprays in your home and when you have to go out. Stay safe and healthy and see you when the public bans are lifted.

John The GreekGourmet Greek Souvlaki

John The Greek